Have you been following along with the success of the Wake Up America show, and the AP4Libertyshop website? It's been a thrilling year for Stephanie and myself, especially with the upcoming birth of our first child. Thanks for being a part of that, and joining us here on Locals. We are grateful to you.
Artificial Intelligence has revolutionized what I'm capable of producing, in regard to libertarian content online. Spreading the message of liberty is a fight against ignorance, entrenched special interests, and plain old statism and evil. But I am a happy warrior. I'm old enough now to know my strengths, and man enough to admit my weaknesses. But as to those weaknesses, AI has plugged many of those gaps. Tony Martinez, a new friend of the show, referred to me as a libertarian Ted Turner. That's how much content we are producing to spread the ideas of liberty.
Stephanie's new Hustling and Homemaking show is delighting audiences, and my morning live show is getting tens of thousands of views every single day. I can use AI to produce mini-documentaries that the audience can unlock as bonus content. Today I produced a short on the history of the populist Know Nothing movement in US history. I can also produce incredible Thomas Sowell quote shorts, which hit hundreds of thousands of people, and take me a minimum time to put together. It takes an army to do what I can do with just myself and a little help from Steffi.
What a destructive blow that the IRS dealt to all of us on April 15th, eh? I hate what the government does to destroy the productive capability of us all. I told Judge Nap on the show today that I'm a taxation libertarian. Many liberty lovers come to the ideas from foreign policy, drug legalization, or other places, but I straight up hate taxes! I'm sure you can relate.
Will you respond to me here and tell me why you decided to join my locals? I'd be curious to learn more about you, especially if we've never spoken before. I love meeting new people and making new friends. Please don't be shy. We must hang together, or we shall most assuredly hang separately. Tell me a little about yourself and your interest in libertarian or conservative ideals. How can we work together to achieve our goals, and to make the future more freedom-friendly? I want to think long term. Let's plant seeds for trees under whose shade we shall never sit... but our sons or daughters will.
Your friend in liberty,
Austin Petersen